If all council agrees, a green check will appear indicating this received has been approved. Loot council members will be see extra controls near each loot row and will be able to vote. This will be synced to other members in your sync channel so only one person needs to do it. To determine who's able to vote for loot, write /rlog council for each council member.

To work with others, they have to install the addon as well, then everyone who's using it should write /rlog password, everyone should use the same password to be able to sync. If you're distributing loot directly to the receiver, there's nothing special needed to be done, it'll track everything automatically, you can skip this section. There are two way of working with this addon, your Master Looter can either send loot to the rightful receiver, or all loot can be picked up by one person, decided on the go and traded to the final receiver. For help and a full list of commands, type /rlog h or /rlog help. When raid is over, type /rlog end to close and save the raid. Loot distributed will be automatically logged as well when picked.

When entering a high-end vanilla instance (MC, BWL, ZG, AQ20, AQ40, Naxx) a new raid will be automatically start being logged.Įvery time a player joins the raid, his attendance will be automatically logged. If you're going to use the export script (see below), also follow steps described under Exporting Raid Usage