Since it uses a Treemap visualization layout, the eye-catching results are easier to explore. This file scanner not only scans the computer’s hard drive but lets you scan connected drives. With SpaceSniffer, you get a good idea about how space is distributed in your Microsoft Windows PC. Real-time, fast monitoring of file scans! With a single click, SpaceSniffer gives a detailed overview of the selected file, including size, file name, creation date, etc. Since this disk cleaner is fast, it gives you a sense of clarity about the overall situation within seconds. In order to check disk space, this program uses a Treemap visualization layout, which gives you a color-based perception of where large-sized files and folders are located on the device. With this tool, you can get a clear idea about how files and folders are structured in the computer’s hard disk. SpaceSniffer is a free, useful, and reliable software to scan files on your Windows PC. NEW: Toolbar: Added the sub option 'Count the filesize of hard links once only (slower)' at the button 'Start'NEW: Toolbar: Added the sub option 'Show percent bar in front of folder names' at the button 'Start'NEW: Options: Now you can specify the date/time format used to render the timestamp of filesFIX: Various optimizations and new enhancements have been introduced in various sections of GetFoldersize.Swati Mishra Updated 3 years ago An easy-to-use disk cleanup software! NEW: Toolbar: Added the sub option 'Count the filesize of hard links once only (slower)' at the button 'Start'NEW: Toolbar: Added the sub option 'Show percent bar in front of folder names' at the button 'Start'NEW: Options: Now you can specify the date/time format used to render the timestamp of filesFIX: Various optimizations and new enhancements have been introduced in various sections of GetFoldersize. GetFolderSize scans an entire drive and displays the exact size for each folder and subfolder in that drive.

The app is also embedded with Windows Explorer, which means you can access it from any folder's context menu.

The list generated by GetFolderSize can be saved to TXT or CSV, and also printed. The analysis can take a while, especially if you're working with large folders. If you click on any of these folders, the contents will be displayed on the right pane.

GetFolderSize will scan the selected drive and then display a list with all the folders and their correspondent size.